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Satisfied Tour
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VNC Travel - Holland |
Romanian Nanga
Parbat Expedition |
Catherine Destivelle
- France |
Antieke Wereld -
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German Trango Tower
Expedition |
David Breshears -
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Jurgen Boeckh -
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Pacafic Holidays -
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Mexico |
Himalaya High Treks
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Danish Broad Peak
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Nouba Tours - Italy |
Austrian Istor-o-Nal
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VNC Travel
Catharijnesingel 70, 3511 GM Utrecht
79, 3500 AB Utrecht
Tel #
030 231 1500
Fax +31 90) 30 231 0232
info@vnc.nl website:
www.vnc.nl |
Click to See Original Letter |
Date : Thursday, 30th Sep 1999
To Whom It May Concern
If you receive this letter from Mr. Kaiser
Khan, (the owner of Pakistan Guides) please note that you are
about to negotiate and may be cooperate with a reliable and honest
business partner, capable of handling all kinds of tours to all
accessible regions in Pakistan.
VNC Travel is a moderate-size tour operator in
Holland, specialized in organizing tours to destinations in Asia for
over 26 years now. The product we represent includes all sorts of
organized group tours - from low-budget to extremely luxurious full
package tours- as well as tours designed for individual travelers.
Having China and countries along the Silk Road as the major core
destinations and with bad experiences in the past with local agents,
we were looking for a reliable partner and we truly found one in
Pakistan Guides.
During the period of constructing the deal of
cooperation, with Mr. Kaiser Khan, we found him to be fair, honest and
open minded for suggestions. The deal is always very clear with no
hidden trick.
During the first period of cooperation we faced
some difficulties with the groups we sent, like clients returning to
Pakistan due to uncross able landslides and broken road on the Chinese
side of the border and lost properties ..etc but Mr. Kaiser handled
them all in a very satisfying manner, with a fair solution of problems
in terms of responsibility, costs and personal care.
We hope Mr. Kaiser will be given the opportunity
to prove himself to be good partner in your travel business, just like
he showed his reliability, responsibility and professionalism to us.
Andre' Ruitenbeek
Manager - Group Tour Department
Travel - Holland
Gjsbrecht van Amstelstraat 392
1216 CC Hilversum, The Netherlands
Tel # 035-6219445 - Fax # 035-6236174
Click to See Original Letter |
To Whom It May Concern
Antieke Wereld BV is an up market Dutch tour
operator mainly in the business of fully organized cultural group
tours on academic level all over the world and established in 1954.
After working for many years with another agency
in Pakistan, we have for the first time ventured to cooperate with
Pakistan Guides, for our group tours in March 1998.
In the process of setting up this all-Pakistan
tour, Mr. Kaiser appeared to be very attentive and full of
suggestions, which he brought out with the care of a true
professional. I do not hesitate to say that it turned our to become a
tour with a great difference, in which our adagium to focus on
culture, architecture and history as well as on the current affairs
with regard to the people and their lived culture could come to full
bloom. As a result, this group returned home very happy and fully
satisfied from Pakistan.
We have side -businesses and one of them is
organizing a very special biking tour from China to Pakistan, which is
forthcoming in June and we are happily leaving the local organization
to Pakistan Guides, as well as all other tours to Pakistan in future.
If anyone wants to be informed about Mr. Kaiser
Khan and his excellent professional services, please do let me know.
Drs. P.
Van Der Lende
Top Guides - USA
1825 San Lorenzo Ave
Berkeley, California
94707-1840, USA
Tel # 800 867 6777 & (510) 527 9884
Fax # (510) 527 9885 & (510) 525 0652 |
to See Original Letter |
To Whom It May Concern
company Top Guides Treks and Tours has worked with Mr. Kaiser Khan of
Pakistan Guides for about four years now. We put several
mountaineering groups through his operation with no problems. In fact,
he is the only tour operator I know of in Pakistan who refunds unused
supplies at the end of an expedition.
Khan is a man of his word. He has great integrity and honor. He is
detail oriented and has served in many roles both in the field on
expeditions and tours and in a travel office. Thus, his understanding
of what all goes into successful trip for various nationalities is
well developed.
can present impassioned slide presentation with great photos and is a
persuasive speaker. But above all, he delivers and your clients will
be very happy with his services.
Please feel free to contact me for further reference.
Kathryn Levenson
Director, Top Guides
___________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Nomade Experience
Grand-Rue 26, C.P 312
1630 Bulle, Switzerland
Tel # 026/9139800 Fax # 026/9131700
e-mail : voyages@nomade.ch |
Click to See Original Letter |
All Tour Operators
As a Swiss tour operator
specialists of Asia, Nomade Experience organizes cultural and
adventure tours to Pakistan for many years. Trekkings, jeep safaris,
expeditions and cultural discovery of pakistan are part of this
favorite desitination of ours.
We would like to recommend the
services of Mr. Kaiser Khan, the owner and operator of Pakistan Guides
who has sound professional background and decades of experience in
operating cultural and adventure tours in Pakistan with great
Nomade Experience has been
using their services from 1993. Pakistan Guides has always given us
excellent services, personalised attention and most competitive rates.
For these reasons we stronglt recommend the services of Pakistan
Guides to all other tour operators.
Christine Dupre
Catherine Blein
Group Manager
French Translation
From Nomade Experience
A tous les
tours opérateurs
Madame, Monsieur,
En tant que tour opérateur
specialize sur I’Asie, Normade Expérience enovie réguliérement des
groupes au Pakistan, que ce soit pour des voyages sulturels, des jeep
safaris, des trekkings ou des expeditions.
Monsieur Kaiser Khan,
proprtétaire et directeur de Pakistan Guides, posséde une longue
experience professionnelle dans I’organisation de voyages culturels et
d’aventure Nomade Experience fait appel à ses services depuis 1993.
Nous avons toujours été pleinement satisfaits des prestations fournies,
du service personnalisé et des prix intéressants qu’il nous propose.
Nous recommandons les services
de Pakistan Guides à tous les tours operateurs.
Christine Dupre Catherine Blein
Director Group Manager
Dear Mr Kaiser Khan
In my previous function of
Managing Director of Antieke Wereld BV in Hilversum. The Netherlands I
had kindly requested You to be the incoming tour operator for a guide
of 11 Dutch bikers, who came from China all along the Karakoram
Highway to Rawalpindi.
The group left Pakistan safely
on 30 June 1998 and I have spoken to them shortly after I wanted to
inform You that the group enjoyed and esteemed very well your
impeccable services and a lot of – I may say – amazing and
unprecedented extras such as a reception by the Minister of Tourism
and the ambassador of the Netherlands, as well as an interview on
Pakistan Television on 1 July.
Concluding this we are very
satisfied with Your services and we wish to add that our clients also
back here have been busy to record their experiences and we hope it
will get a follow-up in other groups.
With many thanks
Drs P. van der Lende
Product manager Cultural and Environment tours,
World Travel Holland
Last March I visited Pakistan
for seventeen days as a tour leader with a group of Dutch travelers.
This journey was organized by ANTIEKE WERELD (tour operator at
Hilversum, Netherlands) in close cooperation with Kaiser Khan,
director of PAKISTAN GUIDES at Rawalpindi.
The majority of our customers are frequent travelers interested in
art, architecture and culture in general. I myself, having studied Art
History and specialized in South and Central Asia at the Universities
of Amsterdam and Utrecht, feel I can fairly well judge the capacities
of Mr Kaiser Khan.
Mr Khan who assisted me in a very pleasant way during this tour
organized for us a comfortable bus and a very trustworthy and friendly
driver as well as a capable local guide. Also I appreciated his
capability to comply with special wishes of the group. Besides Mr Khan
is a very cheerful and amiable character and could deal well with
sudden events. To our utter delight he brought us in contact with
different groups of society such as politicians, artists like quality
musicians, traditional puppet players and transvestite-dancers. In
short he gave personalized attention to my group which was greatly
I cannot but conclude that Mr khan is an able organizer and offers
high quality services.
Drs. T. Spruijt-Boschma
Van Beverninghlaan 4
2801 AE Gouda
0182 513631
The Royal Netherlands
Heremede bevestigt deze
Ambassade van zeer goede ervaringen met Dhr. Kaiser Khan zijn
hoedaingheld van organisator van reizen binnen Pakistan.
Dhr. Khan heft in april 1998
een zeer originals en succesvolle reis georganiseered visor een groep
Nederlandse fietsers. Daarnaast heft Dhr. Kaiser Khan zich between al
seen zeer betrouwhaar persoon die in zijn afspraken nakomt en een zeer
persoonlijke reisplan ken opzetten voor eiders wens.
Hiermee zou deze Ambassador
Dhr. Kaiser Khan van harte willen aanbevelen als uw partner in de
organisatie van reizen binnen Pakistan.
De Ambassadour,
of Aanbeveling
Favoring Mr Kaiser Khan. (01
DEC 98)
This Embassy testifies of its
very good experiences with Mr. Kaiser Khan in his capacity as
organizer of travels within Pakistan.
During 1998 Mr. Khan has
organized a very original and successful trip for a group of Dutch
cyclists. Also Mr. Khan has proven himself to be a very reliable
person who is dedicated to his commitments and is capable of planning
a very personal trip to everyone’s wishes.
This Embassy would gladly
recommend Mr. Kaiser Khan as your partner in organizing travels within
The Ambassador.
Mr. Yaap Walkate
Institute of Judicial Studies
To whom it may concern:
We are very pleased to
recommend the services of Kaiser Khan, who has served as our guide on
several tours of the northern areas of Pakistan during 2001/2.
On numerous occasions, and in
various ways, Kaiser has impressed us with his knowledge ability of
local history and conditions, his sensitivity to matters of local
culture, and his insight and resourcefulness.
In our stay in Pakistan,
Kaiser has been our most useful and helpful guide who has enabled us
to more fully experience and understand the richness and diversity of
this special country.
Over this time,. Kaiser has
become a friend and respected colleague because of the depth of his
experience, his professionalism as a guide, and his attitudes and
values to conservation of the environment.
We have no hesitation
recommencing his services.
Livingston & Miyako Armytage
Institute of Judicial Studies
Isobel Shaw - (Travel Writer)
I first met Mr Kaiser Khan in
1989 when collecting information for my fourth guide book to Pakistan.
Pakistan Trekking Guide (1993, Odyssey, Hong Kong). He was extremely
helpful to me, answering all my questions thoroughly and efficiently.
He has since helped me update two of my earlier guidebooks, Pakistan
Handbook and Introduction to Pakistan. I find Mr Kaiser Khan seriously
interested in promoting tourism in Pakistan. He is articulate and
literate and was elected the spokesman for the other private sector
tour operators in their negotiations with the Pakistan Ministry of
Kaiser Khan is innovative in
his new ideas and thorough in his research and planning. He has
promoted several new Tourism ideas over recent years including the
clean up expedition to K2 Base Camp in 1993, tree planting at camp
sites, river rafting on Swat river, some new treks, an expedition
shopping catalogue and the rental of camping and kitchen gear to
trekking and climbing expeditions and to back packers.
I have never taken a tour with
any of the Pakistani private tour agencies. I always travel alone in
Pakistan, sponsored by the government, committed and experienced
Kaiser Khan is, and having met some of his satisfied clients, I feel
sure he runs an efficient agency.
Kaiser Khan is also an
accomplished photographer. About thirty of his photos will appear in
second edition of my Pakistan Handbook, including the cover photo.
Isobel Shaw
Author of : Pakistan Handbook,
Jens & Michael Richter
Pakistan Guides
Mr. Kaiser Khan
Islamabad, Pakistan
An alle Interessenten,
Unsere aus acht Ketterern
bestehende Expedition fuhr Ietztes Jahr nach Pakistan. Es war die
erste Erfahrung mit diesem Land für ale Teilnehmer.
Zufállig wählten wir Pakistan
Guides als Reiseunternehmen aus. Was für ein Glück wir damit hatten
zeigte uns die gesamte Expedition, besonders aber die Zeit der
Vorbereitung in Islamabad. Mir Mr. Kaiser Khan Hilfe, seinen
Verbindungen und seiner Ausdauer lösten wir alle Probleme der
Bürokratie in drei Tagen!
Nichts desto trotz war Mr.
Kaiser Khan sehr genau: Be idem Teil der Ausrüstung, für den er
verantwortlich war, fehlte nichts. Der Preis für solch guten Service
war vertretbar und der gesamte Vertrag eindeutig formuliert – ohne
hinterhältige Tricks.
Sogar nach unserem
erfolgreichen Versuch am Nameless Tower war er weitehin der
zuverlässige und ehrilche Geschäftspartner: Eingie Erdutsche hatten
unsere Pläne gründlich durcheinander gebracht, aber Mr. Kaiser Khan
zahite all nicht in Anspruch genommenen Leistungen in großmütiger
Art anstandslos zurück und das noch bevor wir Pakistan
Auf Grund unserer vollsten
Zufriedenheit könen wir Mr. Kaiser Khan and seine Firma Pakistan
Guides mit Gewissen als ein professionell arbeitendes and kompetentes
Reiseunternehmen empfehlen.
Wenn noch Fragen offen sind,
dann hakt einfach bei uns nach.
Jens und Michael Richter
Tango Tower Expedition 2000
Jens and Michael Richter
Clemens-Hanusch-Weg 12
01705 Freital, Germany
jensrichter@vr-web.de or